Jen looks at the camera, wearing a coral pink version of her Plusses sweater, knit using a textured plusses design instead of the colorwork pattern.

Add neck shaping to your raglan with short rows

Add neck shaping to your raglan with short rows

There are some beautiful raglan sweaters out there that don’t have neck shaping. Instead of avoiding those patterns, what if you put in some neck shaping of your own?

I’m going to walk you through adding a shallow short-row neckline to a raglan that’s knit in the round from the bottom up.

You need room for your neck, or your sweater will ride up onto your neck and pull.

Let's add short rows to a bottom-up raglan

I have noticed that neckline shaping is most often omitted when there’s colorwork, and knitting (and designing) a colorwork sweater is easiest when worked from the bottom up. My goal is to give you some room to breathe!

I've created a PDF Worksheet to simplify your modification process - download it here (it's free, it's a little gift from us to you!)

Short row necklines can only be crew depth

Short rows can’t accommodate long vertical lines because all the stitches stay live on the needle. If you turned your work at the same stitch over and over, you’d create a vertical line, but you couldn’t work the next row. Because all the stitches stay on the needle, there would be a large gap between stitches. You can space your turns as far apart or as close together as you like in the same row, but if you want to create a scoop neck, you’ll need to bind off instead of working short rows.

Collect info from the pattern

Note: I've used inches below. You can use cm - it all works the same. Whichever unit you use, be sure not to round.

Determine gauge per inch

If you’re working with a gauge over 4”, divide the number of stitches and rows by 4 to get the gauge over a single inch. Do not round this number.

Stitch counts

You will need to know the number of stitches in the front and each shoulder. This will be the number of stitches in the last row before any decreases for ribbing. If your pattern has a stitch between the front and the shoulders for the raglan increase itself, assign that stitch to the sleeve.

Determine starting neck depth

In a raglan, stitches from the sleeve contribute to neck depth (see illustration below).

Divide the number of shoulder stitches by the stitches per inch from your gauge. This is the shoulder width, and from the top of the shoulder, half the width will fall the front and half to the back. Divide shoulder width by 2 for starting neck depth.

Determine how deep you want the front neck to be (aka desired front neck depth)

For a crew neck, we’re looking at a shallow neckline, just enough to create room for your neck. Most knitters will be comfortable with 3-3.5" of total neck depth.

Method one: measure your body

An illustration of a raglan showing fit points for the front neck

This is a detailed illustration. To zoom, see the full image here.

Measure from the point where your neck meets the shoulder (right at the top where a shoulder seam would be), straight down to a point level with where you want the bottom of the neckline to be. The line you measure should be perpendicular to the floor, not at an angle to the middle of the neck (see illustration above).

Method two: measure your clothes

Put on a button-down or other non-stretch shirt with a shoulder seam. It should fit you but not be tight. Put a safety pin where you want the neckline to land. Measure the distance straight down from the shoulder seam to the level where you want the neckline to be, in a line parallel to the button placket. For bonus points, reference a sweater you have and love that has the perfect crew neck.

To this measurement, add your trim depth. Ex: If your trim will be 1” of ribbing, add 1” to this depth. This is your desired front neck depth.

Calculate neck shaping depth

Subtract starting front neck depth from desired front neck depth to get neck shaping depth. This is the number of inches you’ll need to lower the front neck to create your dream neckline.

Calculate neck shaping rows

Multiply neck shaping depth by your row gauge to figure out how many rows you’ll be working this shaping over. Round to an even number. This will be neck shaping rows.

Plan your neckline

These steps assume you create a crew neck – a shallow, round neckline. If you’ve drafted a scoop neck instead, you’ll need to bind off stitches instead of working short rows. Short rows cannot accommodate long straight vertical lines.

Step 1: Calculate bottom neck stitches

Every round neck starts with a flat bottom. For a crew neck, this is typically 40 – 55 % of front neck certain stitches. 40% will create a rounder neckline, 55% will be more shallow.

If you have an odd number of neck stitches, Bottom neck stitches should also be odd, and if you have an even number of neck stitches, bottom neck stitches should be even.

Tip: Not sure how you’d like your neckline to look? Use spreadsheet software to create custom grid paper that matches your gauge by adjusting the number of pixels in the rows and columns, and then applying a light gray outline to each cell. Count out and highlight a number of cells that corresponds to the number of neck shaping rows and the number of neck stitches, and draw the neckline you want to make. Either print and draw right on, or highlight cells to illustrate your dream shaping.

Step 2: Calculate the shaping rate

This might be a good time to talk about the goal of short rows. Short rows keep us from knitting stitches. It can be helpful to think of it as turning away from stitches, almost as if we had placed them on waste yarn.

Stitches to shape out

We know we’ll need to close the gap between our bottom neck stitches and our neck stitches by eliminating stitches as we work towards the neck. It’s typical to leave a stitch on either side of the raglan shaping. That means the formula is

((Stitches in front neck – bottom neck stitches) divided by two) – 1 = stitches to shape out on each side.

For a crew neck, you’ll want to use two shaping rates to eliminate stitches, so that you’re getting rid of stitches faster at the bottom of the neckline. We might need to finesse this later, but it’s a good starting point.

Shaping Rate A (A)

Start by eliminating two stitches per turn (if working German Short rows, this means you’ll work until there is 1 stitch before the double stitch, then turn your work) until half your stitches to shape out are eliminated. Here’s the formula

Stitches to shape out / 2 = stitches used in shaping rate A (round this so it’s an even number)

Shaping Rate B (B)

You’ll eliminate the remaining stitches one per turn (work right up to the double stitch, then turn your work)

Stitches to shape out – stitches used in shaping rate A = stitches used in shaping rate B

An illustration of shaping rates for a raglan neckline

If you'd like to see this illustration larger, click here.

Step 4: Finesse your shaping - have you used all your rows?

Rows used in shaping: Rate A + (Rate B *2)

Because we’re using short rows, the total rows used must equal neck shaping rows.

If rows used in shaping is MORE rows than you calculated when you worked out desired neck depth, you’ll need to either increase the number of bottom neck stitches or work more rate A rows.

Another option is to eliminate more than two stitches in your first rate A row, which has the added benefit of creating an even more smooth curve.

If rows used in shaping is FEWER rows than you calculated, you’ll need to eliminate stitches more slowly. Reduce the number of bottom neck stitches or work fewer rate A rows. If you still have rows leftover, you can re-evaluate your neck depth or consider working bind-offs instead.

Convert to knitting instructions

Work in pattern

Before launching into your short rows, you will need to calculate the number of rows you’ll be following the pattern instructions before beginning your neck shaping. You’ll need to add one more row to resolve all those double stitches, so the formula is:

Rows worked in raglan shaping per pattern - neck shaping rows - 1

Once you’ve worked those rows, place a stitch marker in the middle of the front stitches (if it’s odd number of stitches, mark the middle stitch with a locking stitch marker).

Work to X stitches before the marker (C)

Half of our bottom neck stitches come before the marker. Let’s call this C. If you have an even number of stitches, simply divide bottom neck stitches by two. If you have an odd number of stitches, the formula is:

(Bottom neck stitches -1) / 2 = C

Row by row instructions for short rows

While continuing to follow raglan shaping and stitch pattern:

Row 1 (RS): Work in pattern to C sts before the marker / marked stitch, turn.

Row 2 (WS): DS, work in pattern on WS to C sts before the marker / marked stitch, turn.

Row 3: DS, work to 1 st before DS, turn.

Row 4: DS, work to 1 st before DS, turn.

Repeat Rows 3 and 4 (A/2 -1) more times.

Next Row (RS): DS, work to DS, turn.

Next Row (WS): DS, work to DS, turn.

Repeat these two rows B-1 more times.

Next Row (RS): DS, work to BOR.


Go further


To check out a pattern that already uses these techniques, explore Plusses. This colorwork sweater is worked bottom-up with neck short rows, and is a total wardrobe show-stopper to boot!

If you'd like to explore a scoop neck, worked top down, consider Sunup-on 82nd. This is also a seamless garment and it builds an extremely beautiful scoop.

PS - many thanks to Anne Marie Hart for technical editing support on this post and the worksheet! I wanted to make sure it was perfect for you, and I'm grateful for her sharp eye and clear voice. You can find more info about Anne Marie and the services she offers here.

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Just discovered you on Knit Happy Summit today. Finally, adding bust darts is possible! I knew the idea existed but didn’t know how until today. Thank you! I’m looking forward to knitting up Sunup on 82nd.

Sara Ann Megletti

I just subscribed to your newsletter because you are a presenter in the Knit Happy Summit, which is currently running this weekend! I love to alter patterns sometimes, and am excited to make adjustments in the way you have outlined here! Thanks for sharing your expertise and this wonderful guide to ‘short-row shaping’. I’m looking forward to using this soon! :)

Joan S

Hey Shij – Thanks for letting us know. I’ve replaced both photos with higher-resolution illustrations and links so everyonce can see them zoomed in :)

- Jen


The second image is too small – Can you please add a higher resolution image?

This article has been so helpful, I have read it several times over the last year or so. Every time I make a sweater :)


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